Hi! I'm Heather
Fellow Early Years Teachers, we know there is no other job that can give you the variety, hilarity, and absolute joy that those tiny human beings can give to us. The randomness of the questions, the unexpected connections they make, and straight forward comments are always a source of entertainment for us educators.
However, the job is certainly demanding and exhausting. I have had my ups and downs in the job and it's taken me a long time to realise that I'm not perfect and teachers are not perfect. I see the most beautiful provision from other practitioners and think...I just don't have the time or the money (and neither does my school) ...am I letting my children down? I've realised that good Early Years provision doesn't need to be time consuming or full of expensive resources, it's all about utilising what you've got and using a bit of imagination!
You can not pour from an empty cup, keep your work life as stress free as possible by not putting too much pressure on yourself. Keep your enhanced provision simple and effective, it's about enhancing the children's leaning and optimising your time management.